Yes, This Will Be On the Test

Writing, Reading, Laughing

Tuesday, April 8, 2014


Welcome to Yes, This Will Be On the Test.
Waving to visitors, new followers, and fellow A to Z participants. I’m sending virtual hugs to you all for taking a moment to stop by.

I’ll be sharing my “take-aways.” All those snigglets, golden nuggets, and lessons learned from other creative sources.

Scroll down this link to find other wonderful A to Z participants.

Winter is coming.

The books - the HBO Series - 

George R. R. Martin how do I love thee?
Let me count the ways.

Characters - 

Fully realized. Unpredictable. 
People I want in my life, either to befriend or battle.

World Building - 

Unique. Fantastic. 
Places I go in my dreams.

Story - 
Uber-conflict. Passion. Despair. Hope.
An emotional landscape I'm completely devoted to.

Complexity is the foundation of storytelling upon which layers upon layers build until the story seeps into your soul.

Who is in their happy place since the new season of Game of Thrones is upon us?


  1. I'm not sure I should confess that I've only seen a couple of the first season shows. It's on our TV at the moment down here in New Zealand, but I haven't had time to watch it.

  2. I haven't watched it yet, but my hubby has the DVDs. Once I've caught up on Criminal Minds, Lost, Downton Abby, then I can start on this series. Which will be over by the time that happens. lol

    1. I know what you mean! I'm caught up on Downton Abby, but I'm 2 seasons behind on American Horror Story.

  3. But of course! I expected GoT would show up today. :)

  4. I don't have HBO so I watch Game of Thrones on DVDs I take out from the library as each season is released LOL That means I'm just about to watch Season 3 (there were a lot of people ahead of me in the queue LoL) while everyone else is watching Season 4. But that's okay, because I'm also just about to start reading book 5, so I can stay ahead of spoilers LOL

  5. I have to confess...I've been avoiding GoT. Not because I don't like it, but because I think I'll LOVE it, and then I'll lose all of my free time!! LOL. Someday, I'll cave...

  6. Still haven't seen the series. I will at some point!

  7. I have yet to read the books. Not sure I really want to. While I do enjoy a good epic series, they aren't really the types of books I enjoy reading. I do enjoy watching GOT live though. So many turns and twists. It keeps me entertained and that's hard to do ;)

  8. Just started Game of Thrones on DVD. So far the action and intrigue seem familiar to me. Bad boy prince, causing good girl (who is a kick ass kind of person I love) and the battle to keep power. Will have to see more to find out if it excites me as it has you.

  9. It's really taken over, hasn't it? Maybe I'll get into it one of these days.

    Sarah Allen
    (From Sarah, With Joy)

  10. I read the first book, got halfway through the second and gave up. I've seen most of the first season and just couldn't find any interest in it. I know that makes me a heretic or something. The world was complex and the characters compelling, but I just couldn't handle all the head hopping.

  11. I would love to get into the show, but I can't watch it in front of the kids. That's a huge deterrent here. If it's not appropriate for my littles, it's not appropriate for me, although I am a little sad. Anyone want to edit it for me?

    1. Definitely not a "family" show. My kids are grown and I still blush watching parts with them.

  12. I've never even watched it. We don't have HBO, but I think it's on Netflix?

  13. I don't think I get HBO, which is awful because I get like 28 billion other channels. . . but I do watch Game of Stones, even though it's a reality show about gem hunters. Nothing like Game of Thrones. xD

  14. So many people around me are raving about this show, but I haven't seen it yet, nor have I read the books. It looks like I'm missing out on a lot.

  15. I'm in the same boat as Medeia. No clue what is going on.LOL
    Writer In Transit

  16. Like Medeia and Michelle, I haven't seen this or read the books. I've heard amazing things about it though. Some day! I'm a little slow. I'm just now catching up on Mad Men, season 6 (which has lost some of its excitement, I'm sorry to say).

  17. I haven't read the books- but I did just start watching season 1. I know I am way behind- but after the first episode I can tell this will be a fascinating story to follow! Thanks for sharing. :)

  18. My kids got me starting on GoT. I watched the first season on DVD and then kept up. My daughter is regulating my progress through the books so I don't jump ahead of the series.

    Thanks to everyone for visiting.

  19. My V post will be Valar Morghulis (sp?) so I can sneak Game of Thrones love into my challenge. I love the books and the HBO show. This should be a great season. Hope you have an enjoyable month!
