I am shocked and heartbroken by the unthinkable sorrow the families at Sandy Hook Elementary are going through. I know you are as well.
I found a post on Facebook passed along from teacher to teacher that I've never met. It puts into words what my teacher's heart is feeling. I paraphrase a bit, but the sentiment remains the same.
Five days a week, we teach your kids. That means we
Educate your kids
Play with your kids
Discipline your kids
Joke with your kids
Console your kids
Praise your kids
Question your kids
Beat our heads against a wall about your kids
Laugh with your kids
Worry about your kids
Keep an eye on your kids
Learn about your kids
Invest in your kids
Protect your kids
and yes
Love your kids
It's nowhere in our job description. It isn't covered in the employee handbook. It isn't cited in our contracts, but we would all do it.
Hug your kids tonight, really really tight and know they are always in our hearts as well.
The truth is, in this day and age, we do practice lockdown drills at school and teach the kids what to do in the event of a malicious intruder. It's tragic that we have to train our students for a potential outcome such as that, but it is a necessary precaution to keep our precious children safe.